
Be Your Own Fan.

”Do not let everything that comes to your ears take possession of you.” – John G. Lakes.

”Be the Master of your own image rather than letting others define it for you.” – Anonymous

”True confidence is born when you don’t believe what anyone tells you about yourself.” – Sherry Argon.

”Beauty is how you feel inside, and it reflects in your eyes. It is not something physical.” – Sophia Loren

There are two kinds of people from my little experience in life – those who know their worth and those who allow others to tell them who they are worth. But one thing I have come to realise is that if you allow people to define who you are, hardly will they rate you above themselves. Rather, they make you feel lesser than they are even if they are aware of your real worth. Even when they know that you are their main source of success be it in their business or any of their endeavors. No matter how good they know you are such persons may never let you believe in yourself because they feel that you might excel beyond them. This is why it is dangerous for you to allow people define you. While if you are the type that know your worth and celebrate yourself then bravo to you because you are going places. Self realisation is what differentiates the successful from the unsuccessful. You need to realise yourself by constantly meditating on the word of God. Know what the word of God says concerning you and declare it to yourself.

You may be beautifully endowed outside but if you feel ugly within then I bet you that people will see you just the way you see yourself. If you have great potentials within you but you are the type who look down on yourself then your potential will never make sense let alone birth it into reality.

Have you wondered why you have remained stagnant in life? It could be that your self assessment of you is wrong. It could be that you don’t want to take responsibility of you but have given it to others to take it for you.

You are who you say you are. If somebody else told you what you are not then you have every right to reject such offer. Yes I repeat you have every right to reject such offer. Don’t ever allow anyone to belittle your ability.

Are you a teacher and you are not valued by your employer? It means you don’t know your worth. It means that you don’t know that the school needs your input so much. School building cannot teach the pupils/students; teachers do. Teachers are the ones that do the teaching. Without you, there will be no activity in the school. You may say well, they can employ another teacher, yes they can but you are different in expertise and experience and in intelligence.

Being an apprentice now does not mean you’ll be forever. ‘Life is in phases and men are in sizes’, says Bishop David Oyedepo. Respect people! Respecting people is a rare virtue but never accept mediocrity.

Be your number one fan!

#Ruth Abayomi Lawal Omo Olaleru.


